If you don’t find what you are looking for here, please contact us.
Q: Where are you located?
A: Tocaloma is conveniently located 1/4 mile west of the 405 freeway on Mulholland at the Berkeley Hall School.
Q: Do you offer a lunch service?
A: Yes, you have the option of ordering hot lunch through our catering service. Menus will be available in May.
Q: Do you offer bus service?
A: No. Campers are picked up and dropped off at our site on Mulholland Drive.
Q: Do I need to fill out a separate application for each child?
A: Yes. We need a full and complete application for every camper. After you have completed and submitted the first application, the screen will display a message that the application has been successfully sent to our office. At this time, you can begin the additional application.
Q: What are the camp dates and hours?
A: Camp dates for Summer of 2025 are June 16th to August 8th. Camp hours are 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Camp is closed on July 4th.
Q: Can I request that my child be grouped with a friend?
A: Yes. On the application there is a space to request one friend. Your request must be the same gender (except Explorers) and age. They must also request your child. Making new friends is a life skill. We feel very strongly in creating groups that are balanced with campers from different schools, allowing for new friendships. If there are additional campers you would like to have your camper grouped with, you may list them under “Other Considerations/Limitations” on the online application for consideration.
Q: I just applied online and provided my credit card, what will be charged?
A: At the time of enrollment, you can chose to pay a $550 deposit ($75 of which is a non refundable application fee.) Once a payment is made, you will receive your invoice by email. Tuition is due in full be April 1st.
Q: Do you have a minimum enrollment?
A: Yes. While we’d LOVE to have your child join us all summer, we understand that isn’t always possible. Tocaloma’s minimum enrollment is:
2 weeks, 5 days/weeks, 3 weeks, 4 days/week or 4 weeks, 3 days/week.
Q: Do you have a brochure you can send me?
A: This website is our brochure! We have taken everything we used in our former brochure and made it instantly accessible online. For a list of what to pack your camper everyday and our camper code of conduct please click here. If you have any further questions you can’t find here, or want to speak with a director, we welcome you to contact us.
Q: I’d like to see the camp. Do you offer tours?
A: We offer tours on specific weekends from February through May. You can find tour dates here.
Q: What happens if my camper is sick or hurt?
A: Camp is best enjoyed when everyone is feeling healthy. For that reason we ask that you please keep your children at home if they have a sore throat, bowel distress, have been vomiting and/or have a temperature of 100.5 or higher.
If your camper is not feeling well at camp, we will give you a call and determine the best course of action. If your child has a fever, has vomited, has a sore throat or has bowel distress, we will ask that you come pick them up. We know that when kids are hurt they need a little extra love while they are being attended to and that is our specialty! We will send you and email if your child sees our Healthcare Manager. If your child gets a head bump, bee sting or anything more than just a basic bump or scrape, we will be sure to contact you by phone.